- "Knowledge of electronic systems and components"
The Electrician skill covers basic and advanced knowledge about workings of electrical systems and devices.
Ability Point cost: 1
- Allows to fix the lighting in Cryo Facility (in exam room 17)
- Allows the identification of the military grade batteries as well as various electronic devices.
- Allows crafting of the Homemade 4mm Gauss Rifle
The skill can be used during following encounters:
- at the start of the game, inside the Cryo Facility, to lock the door before the creature can enter
- with Hatter, to avoid the main quest by gathering iSlabs to upgrade his security equipment instead
- at the Isotope Mine, to jury-rig an iSlab into a sensor and use it to detect a hidden hatch
- to spot the blind spot on a SkyCorps Patrol Vehicle
In the latest build, can be used to construct a Gauss rifle and a Gauss battery.
Cryo Lighting (R) | 0.20 |
- Electrician has even less use than Mechanic. It should only be picked if the player aims to set up camp in the Cryo Facility or wants to try the Gauss Rifle.